This phone is part of the Enterprise and IP phone ranges. With its 4.3 inch color touch display and an intuitive navigation Smart Pad, the ALE-400 Enterprise DeskPhone (ALE-400) delivers a great user experience and increased convenience with an outstanding super wideband audio quality (3D Symphonic HD) in hands-free mode with a 3D audio. You can change the color of the phone by using an ALE-140 DeskPhone customization kit (Neptune Blue in the following picture). You can personalize the phone by selecting a theme (skin). It is compatible with remote working. Consequently, it is perfect for use in your Enterprise office or in Home working. Depending on the model, your desk phone improves your experience with its Bluetooth® handset. Your phone is 'Bluetooth® Smart Ready'. You can use your desk phone (in hands-free mode, with the handset or headset) to make and receive calls from your mobile phone.
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